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Role Of Organic Food In The Battle Against Cancer

Role Of Organic Food In The Battle Against Cancer

Cancer is a fatal disease that causes the growth of abnormal cells in the body. As the exact cause of the disease is unknown, you must know that the tumour grows and spreads throughout your body. If you are in the process of Cancer Treatment or cancer preventive care, Organic food enhances your chances of remaining cancer-free. According to a recent study, Organic food lowers the risk and prevents blood andBreast Cancersymptoms.

What is organic food?

Organic food does not use genetically modified Seeds (GMO) and is grown without chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.

Animal products such as eggs, cheese, milk, and animal meat that are raised without the consumption of antibiotics or growth hormones are deemed organic. When compared to non-organic options, Organic food has a greater nutritional value. The best cancer treatments involve having a healthy diet and cutting down on processed food.

Also Read: Understanding Cancer Prevention Diet

A recent study on howOrganic foodhelps in preventive care forCancer Treatment

According to research, there is a 24% reduction in the risk of various types of cancer for people who consumeOrganic foodcompared to people who do not.

There was research in France that examined 69,000 people based on their consumption of Organic food regularly. They were observed for 5 years to see how many of them develop cancer.

What did the researchers ask the people to do?

  • The research involved approximately 69000 participants (78% of women aged roughly around 44 years). The study started in 2009 and had connections with the nutrition, diet, and health of the people.
  • The participants were asked to provide information on their sociodemographic status, lifestyle behaviour, body measurements, and health status at the start of the study.
  • After 2 months, they were asked how often they have consumed different organic products including, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, wine, chocolate, and coffee.

The outcome of the research:

After examining the eating habits of the participants for 4.5 years, it was seen that out of all the participants, 1,340 people developed cancer. Thetypes of cancerincluded the following:

Also Read: Anti-Cancer Foods

What was the conclusion of the research?

The study concluded that Organic food might not be the immediate cure for cancer, but a high frequency of its consumption has reduced the risk of cancer. It was confirmed by the study that the promotion of organic food, in general, must be considered as it is the best strategy for Cancer Treatment and prevention.

Despite the reports, there is not a 100% guarantee thatOrganic foodis the ultimate cure for cancer. Side effects can be caused when taking other cancer treatments like radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy, among many others. The study did not directly demonstrate that Organic food is the best Cancer Treatment.

People who had consumedOrganic foodhad healthier lifestyles in comparison to the others. They were also regular to exercise and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. There was still a chance that these factors have had a positive influence. Thereby, the research that claims thatfoodis the ultimate preventive care forCancer Treatmentremains unproven.

The diet and metabolic counselling for cancer still recommend focusing on a healthy diet with a rich variety of fruits, fibres, vegetables, low-processed food, and so on to maintain a healthy diet. Eating healthy food and avoiding smoking and drinking can reduce your chances of having cancer significantly.

Role Of Organic Food In The Battle Against Cancer

It is known thatOrganic foodhas a higher nutritional value compared to non-organic options.Foodcan be a bit more expensive than the general products found at the supermarket and might not always be available. Even though all the products might not be organically available, some organic products are better than none. It is better if you opt for organic products such as pulses, eggs, milk, and so on to avoid the risks of cancer and other chronic diseases.

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  1. Bradbury KE, Balkwill A, Spencer EA, Roddam AW, Reeves GK, Green J, Key TJ, Beral V, Pirie K; Million Women Study Collaborators. Organic food consumption and the incidence of cancer in a large prospective study of women in the United Kingdom. Br J Cancer. 2014 Apr 29;110(9):2321-6. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2014.148. Epub 2014 Mar 27. PMID: 24675385; PMCID: PMC4007233.
  2. Baudry J, Assmann KE, Touvier M, Alls B, Seconda L, Latino-Martel P, Ezzedine K, Galan P, Hercberg S, Lairon D, Kesse-Guyot E. Association of Frequency of Organic Food Consumption With Cancer Risk: Findings From the NutriNet-Sant Prospective Cohort Study. JAMA Intern Med. 2018 Dec 1;178(12):1597-1606. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.4357. Erratum in: JAMA Intern Med. 2018 Dec 1;178(12):1732. PMID: 30422212; PMCID: PMC6583612.
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