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Exercise Can Slow Tumor Growth

Exercise Can Slow Tumor Growth

Exercise can indeed slow tumour growth. According to recent studies, exercise is the best cancer preventive care mechanism for cancer. The adrenaline released during exercise can prevent:

  • Cancer symptoms
  • Spreading of cancer cells
  • Metastases development

Also Read: Exercise And Yoga To Avoid Risk Of Cancer

Exercise can slow tumour growth and help prevent cancer. However, it has another interesting role exercise makes Cancer Treatment easier. It provides numerous benefits to cancer patients:

  • Boosting their immunity
  • Preventing ill-effects of cancer treatment
  • Side effects likeNauseaand fatigue

Researchers have stated that exercise can slow tumour growth. It can also help prevent Lung Cancer symptoms and other cancerous tumours. There are two studies carried out recently, which have proved that exercise could slow tumour growth and speed up recovery for patients.

Study 1

The first study that established a relationship between exercise and cancer was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The study involved 2 groups of mice, who were studied with Breast Cancer.

One group was sedated, and the other was a part of an active wheel-running group. After 18 days, it was seen that the mice who were a part of the second group had a higher blood vessel densityandhigher blood delivery. These functions led to slower growth of the tumour when compared to the mice who were sedated.

Hypoxia is a phenomenon where there is inadequate blood supply and a lack of oxygen. Tumours associated with hypoxia are very aggressive. They have an increased resistance to Cancer Treatment. It has been proven that exercise will significantly increase the blood flow to the tumour, thus aiding in Cancer Treatment.

Study 2

The Science Translational Medicine published another study based on how exercise can be helpful in the best Cancer Treatment. They examined mice with Lung Cancer who underwent moderate physical activity.

The physical activity led the mice to have decreased production of MuRF1 protein, which triggers the growth of cancer cells. The mice who had exercised were seen with lower rates of abnormal multiplication of Lung Cancer cells.

The other protein that was examined was G-CSF. G-CSF activates white blood cells in 93 mundane patients with critical care.

Before the patients started with their exercise, they had high levels of G-CSF, which significantly dropped after they started their exercise through early mobility therapy. Whereas, it was seen that there were no significant changes in the other individuals who did not exercise.

Exercise Can Slow Tumor Growth Guidelines

Follow the below guidelines on exercises that can slow tumour growth. They are more helpful during cancer treatment

  • Exercise must be practised as a part of the standard practices in cancer preventive care. It should be viewed as an adjunct therapy that will help counteract the effects of Cancer Treatment.
  • Best cancer preventive care should include a referral to an exercise physiologist or a physical therapist who has enough knowledge in cancer care.

Exercise can slow tumour growth and evade the following types of cancer:

Women who exercise per week for about 150 minutes have a 34% lower risk of having endometrial cancer. People with a BMI below 25 have approximately 75% lower risk compared to 25, which is overweight.

People who follow a healthy lifestyle eating lots of fruits and vegetables, taking their medicines on time, having enough sleep, exercising for about 30 minutes every day have a lowered risk.

People who exercise daily have a reduced risk of Prostate Cancer symptoms when compared to people who do not. Have a daily exercise routine that will help you in avoiding or preventing this disease.

  • Lung Cancer

Exercise will help prevent Lung Cancer for people who smoke daily. According to a study, Lung Cancer can be prevented with daily exercise and if you quit smoking.

  • Gastric cancer

According to a study, there is a 50% lower rate of gastric cancer symptoms in people who prefer to exercise daily when compared to those who do not exercise at all or once a month. Gastric cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, which can be prevented easily with regular exercise such as jogging, brisk walking, cardio, and so on.

Exercise Can Slow Tumor Growth

Also Read: Role Of Exercise In Reducing The Risk Of Lung Cancer

Ways in which Exercise can Slow Tumor Growth

It has been observed that various types of exercise can slow tumour growth. Also, different types of cancer can be cured with the help of simple exercises. Remember that exercising will not only aid you in preventing cancer but also, any other deadly diseases.

It is important to stay fit and maintain your body mass index (BMI). Physical activity is known to do wonders in maintaining a healthy lifestyle along with a proper diet plan.

Engaging in regular exercise is not only beneficial for preventing cancer but also for reducing the risk of other deadly diseases. By incorporating exercise into your daily routine and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can enhance your overall well-being and improve your chances of leading a healthier life.

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  1. Papadopetraki A, Maridaki M, Zagouri F, Dimopoulos MA, Koutsilieris M, Philippou A. Physical Exercise Restrains Cancer Progression through Muscle-Derived Factors. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Apr 8;14(8):1892. doi 10.3390/cancers14081892. PMID: 35454797; PMCID: PMC9024747.
  2. Eschke RK, Lampit A, Schenk A, Javelle F, Steindorf K, Diel P, Bloch W, Zimmer P. Impact of Physical Exercise on Growth and Progression of Cancer in Rodents-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Oncol. 2019 Feb 5;9:35. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2019.00035. PMID: 30805305; PMCID: PMC6370688.
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